Forums / Extensions / eZ Flow / Usign ezflow ajax search editing frontpage

Usign ezflow ajax search editing frontpage

Author Message

Carlos Revillo

Wednesday 14 October 2009 5:01:48 am

Hi. When i edit a frontpage, i have that cool search box on the left of my page.

I would like to search for objects containing two words, but i cannot make it work right.

I'm trying to search

hello + friend

to find all nodes containing both of the words, but what i get is all nodes that contains one of the two words.

Doing some debugs, it seems that '+' is stripped from the searchString previously the search is done.

So, when i put in the searchbox 'hello + friend', what i really searching is 'hello friend'. doing normal search works like a charm, but i would like to use this also with ezflow search. Could this be done? Thank you.