Forums / Extensions / eZ Flow / Red5 and Ez Flow

Red5 and Ez Flow

Author Message

Michael Scofield

Tuesday 01 July 2008 2:33:23 am

I have noticed that Ez Publish lacks documentation about Ez Flow. Mainly for Live Streaming.

I'm not a Java programmer nor have that much experience with ActionScript 3.

My question is. To use the so called Live Streaming available with Ez Flow, is it necessary to have a Java Programmer and an Actionscript 3 programmer?

I'm trying to set up a Live Streaming website with Ez Flow, and I'm arriving to this conclusion. I have everything running, Apache Ant, Java, Red5 server, tested every demo file and it's working very fine. But it seems that to integrate Red5 with Ez Publish, one must have experience with Java and it's tools (e.g. Eclipse) - to create the server side - and also Actionscript 3.0 or Adoble Flex (to create the player/swf client).

Am I wrong?

Thank you
Michael Scofield

Andreas Kaiser

Tuesday 15 July 2008 3:56:33 am


You shouldn't need specific programmers for live streaming. But true is that I wasn't lucky to make it work (similar to your situation). I think other were able to make livestreaming...

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