Forums / Extensions / eZ Flow / Ezflow in conflict with ezoe??

Ezflow in conflict with ezoe??

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Denitsa M.

Wednesday 20 January 2010 2:15:27 am


there seems to be a conflict between ezflow and ezoe when they both are present in the same class (ezpage attribute and the xml attribute). Javascript messes up and ezpage is not working when followed by one or more xmlblock attributes, so in edit of object nothing works - zone tabs are not switchable, block areas not visible (and thus not operable). If ezpage attribute is put after all the xmlblock attributes in class attribute order, then the problem disappears. As I tested, I discovered that the problem does not confine into the run-once portion of the ezoe xmlblock overrride template, since if ezpage preceeded and followed by one or more xmlblock attributes, it still does not work.

Is this bug appearing because of ezoe usage of ez_core.js of it's own and ezflow usage of ezjscore extension functionality? Examining the javascripts could be a pain, so if anyone got an idea about it, I'd appreciate if they drop a line here.



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