Tuesday 09 December 2008 10:25:24 am
thanks, for your feedback. Actually I did look into the Oracle support and found several posts but 2 things happend. First no link to the updated files, and Two one of the problems didn't seem to be solved. What I actually did was find 1.1 release code and used the postgresql.sql file and renamed it as mysql.sql so that install would work.
The code I had to go in and fix is under function: "onPublish( $contentObjectAttribute, $contentObject, $publishedNodes )"
case 'modify':
$db->query( "UPDATE ezm_pool SET ts_publication='0" . $item->attribute( 'ts_publication' ) . "'
WHERE object_id='0" . $item->attribute( 'object_id' ) . "'" );
Notice the object_id='0"
1) I think that object_id since it is integer it should not be enclosed in single brakets 2) for some reason $item->attribute( 'object_id' ) seams to be null or blank so I append a 0 so that if it is blank it will be changed to '0' other wise it will be a number with a leading 0 wich won't change the value. I will keep on updateing if I find any other issues. Thanks for the welcome to ez.