Forums / Extensions / eZ Flow / Block views are messed-up when re-order with drag&drop

Block views are messed-up when re-order with drag&drop

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Denitsa M.

Monday 14 March 2011 5:46:40 am


for some time we've been testing the 4.4 release with ezflow 2.2 stable from gidhub. The following problem appeared during test of ezflow edition in backend - let's say I have an object with ezpage datatype attribute, in which I have X zones with blocks inside of these. When I edit the object and I change block order in any of the zones using drag&drop, I see the blocks moved correctly (in the new order) and I publish the object. The interesting part comes here - I go in frontend, and I see the blocks with new order, but the overrides are lost - I see standard block/view/view.tpl loaded instead of my overrides (which have been loading fine before the change).

Some research lead me to the real issue - if I have block1 (with view1) and block2 (with view2) into a zone, and I do grad&drop on block2, placing it infront of block1, after publishing the object, these 2 blocks have their VIEWS swapped - in short, after the change is published, system now see block1 with view2 and block2 with view1, for which ofc I do not have overrides, so it loads block/view/view.tpl. Debugging $block variable in view.tpl shows that $block.view params for these two blocks have now swapped values.

Even more interesting is this - when I re-edit the object and I use arrows to change block order (no matter how, just do some order changes on the messed up blocks), after publish in frontend I see CORRECT overrides, because now the views of these block are CORRECT again.

eZP is not installed via browser, it is direct installation, and ezflow, ezwebin and ezjscore are added after that, and at latest stable versions.

Has anyone had this issue, if yes - did you solve it and how? Any suggestions how to solve it?

For clarification, in block.ini definitions of block1 and block2 are correct, and these blocks DO NOT HAVE views with the same identifiers or anything, and view1 only belongs to block1, as well as view2 belongs only to block2.

Iguana IT -