Forums / Extensions / eZ Find / Translation Options with ezfind

Translation Options with ezfind

Author Message

Robert Jung

Tuesday 16 October 2007 3:54:47 am


I am testing the new ezfind - extension for ezPublish and i am very impressed - the installation and configuration works quite easy, but I'm wondering, if there is any easy way, to work with translations.

The default search give back all translations if there is more than one translation.
The problem is - I have a mutlitlanguage site - which uses different site accesses, but uses the same Database - so the language is different for each site access.

Some Articles are translated, some arn't - and I want only one result per article - not also the translated.

Hope somebody has a clue for me? (Template Parameter or some tweak for the indexing process?)

The System is: ezpublish 3.10 and ezfind 1.0



Robert Jung

Tuesday 16 October 2007 4:05:09 am

Add on - so the problem gets clearer:

1. Some articles are german and have translations as example in english.
2. Some articles are english and have translations as example in german.
3 Some articles are untranslated (either in english or german)

There are two site sccess - one /ger one /eng

Some users have only access to /ger some only to /eng.
If a /ger user searches - he should only find german articles or translations - or english articles if ther aren't translated.
If a /eng user searches - he should only find english articles or translations - or german untranslated german articles (only if there aren't english translations)
He should not find - both (the translation and the original article) as two results.

Is there a easy way to make this possible?



Kåre Køhler Høvik

Tuesday 16 October 2007 4:32:57 am


First of, make sure the script for updating the search index is run using a site access which will have access to all translations. The administration interface normally has this.

eZ Find handles translations of objects as separate documents. This means that a German and English translation of one object may be returned separately if they match the current search criteria. However, translations of the language with the highest priority, will be ranked higher than a translation with a lower language priority.

It's currently not possible to exclude or override translations returned in eZ Find.

Best regards

Kåre Høvik