Forums / Extensions / eZ Find / Solr as service - not running

Solr as service - not running

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Lo' F.

Friday 18 March 2011 11:50:04 am

Hi guys,

I am experiencing problems making solr server run as service...

- Here I set the SOLR_HOME=/var/www/vhosts/ in /extension/ezfind/bin/scripts/rhel/solr file

- and then copied the red hat solr file in the /etc/init.d directory..

[root@xx ~]# cp /var/www/vhosts/ /etc/init.d

- Set the solr file permission to be executable..

[root@xx ~]# chmod +x /etc/init.d/solr

- Manually set the virtual links..

[root@xx ~]# cd /etc/rc3.d
[root@xx rc3.d]# ln -s ../init.d/solr S70solr
[root@xx rc3.d]# ln -s ../init.d/solr K70solr
[root@xx rc3.d]# cd /etc/rc5.d
[root@xx rc5.d]# ln -s ../init.d/solr S70solr
[root@xx rc5.d]# ln -s ../init.d/solr K70solr

When starting solr..

[root@xx ~]# /etc/init.d/solr start seems to go fine as it responds this way..

/etc/init.d/solr: line 24: /var/www/vhosts/ is a directory
 * Starting Solr indexing server (solr)

..but when checking the status..

[root@xx ~]# /etc/init.d/solr status

.. it echoes solr's not running ...

/etc/init.d/solr: line 24: /var/www/vhosts/ is a directory
 * Solr indexing server (solr) is not running

What can this depend on? Any idea?

I really look forward to your helpful reply. Thanks!

Lo' F.

Friday 18 March 2011 1:24:08 pm

Well.. silly but the 'trouble' came from having just set the JAVA_HOME leaving a space before the java path ;P

JAVA_HOME= /var/www/vhosts/

Fixed by simply removing the bloody space!


Never mind ;)

And here it works...

[root@62 ~]# /etc/init.d/solr start
 * Starting Solr indexing server (solr)
[root@62 ~]# /etc/init.d/solr status
 * Solr indexing server (solr) is running