Forums / Extensions / eZ Find / Search new atributes

Search new atributes

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Virgilio Lemos

Sunday 25 October 2009 7:32:29 pm

What could prevent the content of a new added atribute do be searchable by both Admin interface search and user interface search?

This new atribute has been defined as searchable and the solr interface is showing its content.

The class used is a Document Page. I can search the content of the standard atribute "body" but any other added by me.

Virgilio Lemos

Monday 26 October 2009 7:10:11 pm

Anybody could help?

Everythig is ok in the development site using version 4.1.3
But is not working in the production site using version 4.2.0.
Could be a bug?

Paul Borgermans

Thursday 29 October 2009 1:02:04 pm

What are the datatypes of the new attributes?


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Virgilio Lemos

Thursday 29 October 2009 4:27:31 pm

All datatypes was created as text.

I deleted those new atributes and created again and got the same behavoir.
So I deleted again and created whit new names and now is working ok.