Thursday 19 March 2009 4:52:13 am
Hi all guys, let's try to explain the problem encountered with eZFind 2.0.0 (also with previous versions). Background: we've indexed in the solr engine about 30k eZContentObjects, also with 226k external XML files, this generates about 5 GB of index data. Currently we have started the solr engine with this command: /usr/bin/java -server -Xmx600m -Xms600m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:NewRatio=5 -jar start.jar
Our main problem, is that every time that a commit is executed in the solr engine, all index files (remember, 5GB data) are regenerated from scratch, the size of the data folder grows up until about 10 GB, then the old files are gone and the new one remain in the data folder. As we have delayed indexing enabled, this is not a critical problem on publishing content, but it is when deleting something, as every time we remove some object the system freezes until indices are regenerated. Anyone out there with similar escenario that can guide us?
Thanks for reading! Xavier
Xavier Serna
eZ Publish Certified Developer
Departament de Software
Microblau S.L. -
+34 937 466 205