Forums / Extensions / eZ Find / In ezfind 2.1 , did not index the content.

In ezfind 2.1 , did not index the content.

Author Message

Romeo Antony

Tuesday 26 October 2010 7:59:25 am

Hi, I am using ez package 4.3.0 with ezfind 2.1 Os is centos. in the requiremnts , ezfind 2.1 needed java 1.5 for linux and 1.6 for windows. I have used 1.5 and 1.6 , in both ezfind 2.1 is unable to index the contents. Do anyone knows , error message is like this.

I tried the same thing iin windows and working fine. But in linux , not able to index so can't get search resutls

Whenn Enter path to PHP-CLI executable ( or [q] to quit )/usr/bin/php after entering path to php executable getting error as

Using fork. Using 2 concurent process(es)

Number of objects to index: 199 Creating a new thread: 11107 ......................................................................



70.35% ...........................................................


Running scripts as root may be dangerous. If you think you know what you are doing, you can run this script with the root account by appending the parameter --allow-root-user.

Did not index content correctly: array ( )

Creating a new thread: 11111

Running scripts as root may be dangerous. If you think you know what you are doing, you can run this script with the root account by appending the parameter --allow-root-user.

Did not index content correctly: array ( ) Creating a new thread: 11115 Running scripts as root may be dangerous. If you think you know what you are doing, you can run this script with the root account by appending the parameter --allow-root-user.

Did not index content correctly: array ( ) Creating a new thread: 11119 Running scripts as root may be dangerous. If you think you know what you are doing, you can run this script with the root account by appending the parameter --allow-root-user.

Did not index content correctly: array ( ) Creating a new thread: 11123 Running scripts as root may be dangerous. If you think you know what you are doing, you can run this script with the root account by appending the parameter --allow-root-user.

Did not index content correctly: array ( ) Process finished: 11119 Process finished: 11123 Optimizing. Please wait ...

Indexing took 1.7591578960419 secs ( average: 113.12230724016 objects/sec ) Finished updating the search index. Please help anyone knows this issue

Christian Rößler

Tuesday 26 October 2010 12:42:42 pm

Please do not run scripts as root-user if they would run without having root privileges. Running those scripts as unprivileged user would prevent the noisy output and would also focus on real errormessages.

You mentioned the you tried java 1.5 and 1.6 . Did you start the solr daemon? is JAVA_BIN in your path environment variable registered? Could you invoke a curl to localhost:8983 successfully ?

It simply seems solr is not running. Try the following statements if knowing what they are for and how to alter them for centOS:

netstat -antp | grep 8983

ps aux | grep java

curl http://localhost:8983/solr


Hannover, Germany

Romeo Antony

Wednesday 27 October 2010 4:14:08 am

Thanks for your post.

Solr is running perfect.I have checked it http://localhost:8983/solr/admin

it is working. I will recheck it again with all the reqirements and let you know how it is .

