Forums / Extensions / eZ Find / eZFind and objectrelations

eZFind and objectrelations

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Lars Eirik R

Tuesday 09 November 2010 4:12:13 am


I am currently working on a project where we need to be able to tag articles with a set of predefined elements. This is using an objectrelationslist whereby tags may be related to for instance articles.

When using ezfind today all of these tagged elements (objects which consist of only a name) update the ezfind index with the searchterm, (ie the name of the object)

In our case we do realize that there may be situations whereby administrators have to change the keyword. Our solution is currently to run a workflow which updates all revers_related objects with the new name of the tag. If there are many articles which have to be updated than this process will take some time..

Is there an easy way to have obejctrelationslist send in the object id instead of the actual string? Are there any negatives to this solution? (i do realise that it will not work with a regular text search by users because only the objectid is added to the document)

Will I have to construct my own class and have this being used by the objectrelationslist perhaps?