Forums / Extensions / eZ Find / after activating ezfind and adding table for solaris index getting db error

after activating ezfind and adding table for solaris index getting db error

Author Message

Romeo Antony

Sunday 24 October 2010 8:35:12 am

Transaction in progress failed due to DB error, transaction was rollbacked. Transaction ID is TRANSID-03716807180dbc7c6e746a63bab549aa.
[ Oct 24 2010 19:03:42 ] [] eZMySQLiDB:
Query error (1146): Table 'muscatdaily.ezfind_elevate_configuration' doesn't exist. Query: DELETE FROM ezfind_elevate_configuration WHERE contentobject_id='424'
[ Oct 24 2010 19:03:42 ] [] eZDBInterface::commit TRANSID-b24467d0fd31ca91a430fc44171c872f:

ezfind_elevate_configuration error. Do anyone have a better idea about it. I am unable to get into so site access even admin site access.

But when I deactivate ezfind , working fine

Paul Borgermans

Sunday 24 October 2010 3:00:47 pm

You need to create a dedicated table used by ez find (elevation feature), see extension/ezfind/sql/<yourrdbms>/<yourrdbms>.sql

Then the error will disappear



eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Romeo Antony

Sunday 24 October 2010 3:07:53 pm

Thankyou paul. did and I think now I am not getting error.

Thanks a lot

Gaetano Giunta

Monday 25 October 2010 4:55:23 am

Please note that since version 4.3 of eZP, if you just go to the

Setup | Upgrade Check | DB Upgrade check

page in the admin interface (after having activated eZFind but not created the table) eZP will gently warn you and produce the SQL string that you need to run to create the table, to copy and paste from the browser into your sql console.

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Romeo Antony

Monday 25 October 2010 6:27:08 am

Suppose if I run executed the create tabel query from extension/ezfind/sql/<yourrdbms>/<yourrdbms>.sql

instead of the one that generated on browser(as Gaetano told me) when check the db upgrade with warning.

it would cause any issues in future.?

Gaetano Giunta

Monday 25 October 2010 6:44:39 am

In principle, the one that eZP suggests to you should be exactly the same as the one you find in extension/ezfind/sql/<yourrdbms>/<yourrdbms>.sql.

So, after having created it by hand running extension/ezfind/sql/<yourrdbms>/<yourrdbms>.sql, you are welcome to:

- run the db upgrade check once more (it never hurts)

- feel more confident that everything is ok if there is no discrepancy shown, or

- if there is any discrepancy shown, report it here or in the issue tracker


Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board