Forums / Discussions / Transforming jQuery plugins into eZ publish extensions
Friday 11 February 2011 4:06:54 am - 11 replies
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In this tutorial we will see the main steps to transform a jQuery plugin into an eZ publish extension, in this case an eZ flow block.
Romeo Antony
Sunday 13 February 2011 2:12:47 pm
Really interesting tutorial Thiago.
Donat Fritschy
Monday 14 February 2011 12:36:22 am
Very nice tutorial, thank you.
I wanted to point out that since eZ 4.2 you can use "lib" directory within your extension, for which the Apache Rewrite rules pass through all request. This allows external libraries, which often combine js and css code and images, to be kept together in this directory. - Developers united in eZ Publish:
Sandra Parente
Saturday 26 February 2011 2:29:27 am
I need some help to make it work.
First problem:
no .css and .js were loaded until I changed this line in contentslider.tpl :
{ezscript_require( array('ezjsc::jquery.js','jquery.jcarousel.min.js', 'jquery.pikachoose.js') )}
Now I can see .js in the source, but carousel and links don't work, I only see one main photo and bottom small photos. Can you give me some more tips, and a more detailed example of the slide class?
Thanks Thiago!
Sandra Parente
Thiago Campos Viana
Saturday 26 February 2011 5:40:58 am
Here's the zip of the extension I'm using on my site:
eZ Publish Certified Developer: Twitter:
Monday 28 February 2011 7:41:28 am
Just a question: install.txt refers to a package to be installed, where can I find it?
Thursday 03 March 2011 6:38:06 am
Actually I reuse my old extensions a lot, sometimes I just forget to remove/edit some files.
Mutunga Mutua
Friday 01 April 2011 6:41:09 am
Thanks Thiago,
I have successfuly incorporated the contentslider in my website. I am unable to use it for other classes like articles. But thats ok if only i could hyperling the images so that when clicked the image takes u to the relevant article. I have seen that your is working here. Kindly assist me with this.
Thanks in advance
Alejandro Dominguez
Thursday 12 May 2011 5:11:35 am
Thanks Tiago!!!
I have followed this tutorial and now I have an amazing slideshow integrated with my eZ site!
Nicolas Pastorino
Thursday 12 May 2011 6:42:42 am
Awesome :)
-- Nicolas Pastorino Director Community - eZ Member of the Community Project Board eZ Publish Community on twitter: t : G+ :
Wednesday 01 June 2011 4:57:22 am
How to use it with ezwebin:
{def $valid_nodes = fetch( 'content', 'list',hash( 'parent_node_id', slide_images_folder_id ))} ... {def $myblockid=concat('myblockid',rand( 1, 1000 ))}
Replace $ with $myblockid. I know it's a very noob tip, but I received an email asking me about how to adapt the code..
Wednesday 01 June 2011 10:34:19 am
Thanks Thiago. It IS good to give detailed advices, to experts and beginners.
Cheers !
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