Monday 28 March 2011 11:08:10 am
I just run my tests against a DB with 250-300 content objects:
eZ Find --------------- eZ Find is pretty constant at ~0.2 sec. My guess is that the eZ Find wrapper takes most of the execution time (solr is probably very efficient to handle the request).
Content Fetch ---------------------- For content fetch functions, I use no attribute filter nor attribute sorting and limit the fetch to 10 objects (same as the ezfind result). The speed is not very consistent: Most queries get executed between 0.05sec and 0.1sec. Sometimes I see some spikes up to 0.3sec 0.5sec. In my test, I'm bypassing db query cache but it looks like there is some other cache making most of my sql queries a little faster than eZ Find. As soon as you have it in the query cache it's super fast (eZ Find doesn't have that type of cache). I'm sure it's a different stories if you add an attribute filter or attribute sorting (joins ezcontentobject_attribute). I previous tests I saw execution times of a couple seconds for those types of fetches.
Mugo Web, eZ Partner in Vancouver, Canada