Forums / Discussions / Creating a simple custom workflow event

Thursday 09 December 2010 8:01:18 am - 6 replies

» Read full tutorial


This tutorial will guide you through the development of a simple eZ Publish workflow event. At the end of the tutorial, you should be able to create your own workflow event, configure a workflow that would execute the event and configure workflow triggers in the admin interface.

Note : the PDF version of this tutorial, as well as the downloadable extension are here.

Author Message

Robin Muilwijk

Saturday 11 December 2010 12:27:38 am


Great tutorial! A very good addition to the online docs, I'm sure this will inspire others when setting up their workflows. It also shows the power of eZ Publish, thanks for this contribution!

-- Robin

Board member, eZ Publish Community Project Board - Member of the team - Key values: Openness and Innovation.

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Kristof Coomans

Saturday 11 December 2010 9:34:58 am

There seems to be a small typo on Step 8:


It’s not time to see how to retrieve them.


I guess "not" should have been "now".

Nice tutorial, posting Twitter updates is a perfect use case for workflows!

However, the used process of authorizing eZ Publish to have access to the twitter account looks quite cumbersome to me. I guess it could be made a lot easier by offering a screen for that in the eZ Publish administration interface that starts the full web-based authorization process instead of the out-of-band/PIN code authentication which was not really suitable for this kind of app. A good example of how this is done is the nxc_twitter extension available at

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Romeo Antony

Sunday 12 December 2010 12:29:49 am


Good tutorial. Learned a lot from this like how to integrate 3rd party libraries, creating custom wrokflowevents.

Maxime Thomas

Monday 13 December 2010 4:46:56 am


Excellent article which shows the power of workflows and how thing can be easily done with it.

However, I just regret you don't put some examples on how debug thoses workflows, it can be tricky for some people.

Max | |

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Nicolas Pastorino

Wednesday 15 December 2010 4:46:39 am


There seems to be a small typo on Step 8:


It’s not time to see how to retrieve them.


I guess "not" should have been "now".


Thanks, fixed now.


Nice tutorial, posting Twitter updates is a perfect use case for workflows!

However, the used process of authorizing eZ Publish to have access to the twitter account looks quite cumbersome to me. I guess it could be made a lot easier by offering a screen for that in the eZ Publish administration interface that starts the full web-based authorization process instead of the out-of-band/PIN code authentication which was not really suitable for this kind of app. A good example of how this is done is the nxc_twitter extension available at


I agree here, although it is not exactly the scope of this already thorough tutorial. It could be a follow-up tutorial, showing how to create custom panels and tabs in the admin interface ? Easy, yet very useful.

Cheers Kristof,

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
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Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh

Wednesday 15 December 2010 4:50:29 am

Thank you all for the feedbacks. Very much appreciate it.

@Kristof, I've notified Nicolas to see if the typo can be corrected. Regarding the Twitter API you are correct, this is not the easiest way to handle this and NXC technique is sweet. But this allows one to also discover eZ Script.

@maxime, I usually debug my workflows with eZLog::write() which is used here.

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