Forums / Developer / xml text dataflow

xml text dataflow

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Marin Orlic

Friday 03 June 2005 4:09:31 am

Hi all,

can somebody please explain what happens to data entered to xml text attributes? I'm having problems with decoration of XML entities to &something which is later incorrectly displayed in browser.. I've looked inside the kernel code and it seems that the only place changes are done to escape special characters is in /kernel/classess/datatypes/ezxmltext/handlers/output/*.php
using htmlspecialchars() which mangles XML entities..

Is this correct?

Xavier Dutoit

Friday 03 June 2005 9:35:37 am

Hi Marlin,

Don't get what is the problem you have. & is correct to display th & char, isn't it ?

What's wrong with the default behavior ?


Marin Orlic

Friday 03 June 2005 11:22:12 am

Well if I try to enter some special char like α it's not displayed properly (it's displayed literally and not as a special symbol).. so, what should I do to enter something like that? I've tried editing the mentioned php files and it helps in my special case but its something to be really careful about..