Friday 21 August 2009 9:03:13 am
Hi everbody!
I have extended my user class with an optionfield User_group. If an Editor wants to create a user, he just have to select the group in the frontend-form.
I use the createmultiplelocationrule event - Before publish.
The user is published in the default user_group 12 and in the selected location. Works fine!
But now i run into trouble. If an editor wants to change the selected group of an user, the old location has to be removed and the new location has to be assigned.
$db = eZDB::instance();
$nodes = $object->attribute('assigned_nodes');
$mainNodeId = $object->attribute('main_node_id');
//remove all nodes that are not main
foreach ($nodes as $node)
$nodeid = $node->attribute('node_id');
if ( $nodeid != $mainNodeId )
$deleteIDArray[] = $nodeid;
$removeSubtrees = eZContentObjectTreeNode::removeSubtrees( $deleteIDArray, false );
//it works
$object->addLocation( $destID, false );
//it works, but only on first creation not on changing
After publishing the user-object, the new locations are not assigned. After editing the user again, doing no changes, the user location are assigned correct. Any hint?