Forums / Developer / Why are all related objects put in section 1 ??

Why are all related objects put in section 1 ??

Author Message

Nicklas Lundgren

Tuesday 28 December 2004 1:34:13 am

Hi folks!
I have a severe problem regarding related objects. Everytime I create a new related object like a file or an image it is put in section 1.
This is really a big problem, since I am running multiple sites in one Db. I cant separate objects related to the different sites!

This problem only occurs when creating new related objects from within an article or some other class. When creating a file separately it gets associated with the right section (the section that is associated with the parent folder).

I have mentioned this problem before, see

I am running:
Version 3.4.4 (3.4.4)
SVN revision: 9297

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Kind regards,
/Nicklas Lundgren