Forums / Developer / When the system make copy and draft and version ?

When the system make copy and draft and version ?

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Selmah Maxim

Monday 02 June 2003 2:30:03 am

Hi ..

When user edit his object, and then click Discard button, he will be redirect to confirm or cancel, if he didn`t click Confirm, a copy from this object will store in the DB !

I found this where user can make copies from his object, i had add this to kernel/content/edit.php :

if ( $module->isCurrentAction( 'Cancel' ) )
$ini =& eZINI::instance();
$Page = $ini->variable( 'MySetings', 'RedirectUserPage' ) ;
$module->redirectTo( $Page );

and to kernel/content/module.php , to Edit viewlist in single_post_actions this :
'CancelButton' => 'Cancel',

I think with this way I can avoid the drafts of users, but am wondering if there some place else need to modify ?

Is this the best way to avoid the user drafts ?

Thx in advance.