Forums / Developer / when change vardir in site.ini in override getting error kernel not found

when change vardir in site.ini in override getting error kernel not found

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Romeo Antony

Saturday 25 September 2010 11:30:06 pm

when change vardir in site.ini in override getting error kernel not found

Why suddenly this problem comes out with my new ez installation , I have shifted from windows to linux .Anyone have any idea.?

in new var dir , no folders been created automatically. Any write access problmes by webserver or

Any help would be thankfull

Lo' F.

Sunday 26 September 2010 7:43:29 am

In my eZ installation on a Linux server, originally based on a ezwebin extension, although I created a new extension and a new style package I am working with, I left the varDir setting unchanged. I went checking this setting and the override still points at var/ezwebin_site.. (at the time of installation I didn't even keep the name ezwebin_site..)

Do you really need to change varDir setting? Everything seems to be working fine without altering it..

Romeo Antony

Monday 27 September 2010 5:42:51 am

Hi Lof, I have fgured it out . I was permissions issue.

that means your default var directory is at var/ezwebin_site where all the cashe files,images ,videos

are stored. It is not neccessary to chnage default dir. But It would be user friendly if u chnage it.

If you change it to some different name like var/lof

then you should put it in site.ini.append.php in filesetting block

from var/ezwebin_site to var/lof.

Hope you understand.


Lo' F.

Monday 27 September 2010 8:47:29 am

Yeah, more or less I got it!

..Yet need to open so many doors. Anyay, the more I discover of this eZ, the more I understand and the more I like it!

Powerful indeed..

Romeo Antony

Monday 27 September 2010 9:57:17 am

Try to collect as much as possible about ezp. That is the best way.