Forums / Developer / What can be done to get faster publishing object?

What can be done to get faster publishing object?

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Ivo Lukac

Wednesday 07 October 2009 8:27:06 am

What can be stripped down?

We already have delayed indexing enabled.


Piotrek Karaś

Wednesday 07 October 2009 10:12:23 am

Hello Ivo,

I don't quite remember right now how much of it is available via configuration settings in which eZ Publish version, but surely much of the publishing time will be connected with different cache regeneration/cleaning. Basically, the more relations you have between objects/nodes that have cache-clearing abilities (object relations, ezkeyword, complex smart view cache rules etc), the longer the publishing. Also look here:
I ran some tests with extensive ezkeyword use, I killed the publishing only after 3000 objects ;)


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Ivo Lukac

Thursday 08 October 2009 1:21:33 am

Hi Piotrek,

I don't have smart cache rules, also view cache regeneration 'over keyword' and 'over attribute relation' is limited with the new settings in eZ 4.1.*.

What more can be done? Maybe in operation definition?

Łukasz Serwatka

Thursday 08 October 2009 1:26:15 am


Try to enable debug redirection as well as SQL debug output and take a look what takes most of time upon the publication process. Do you have any workflow events which are connecting to the external services? Like fetching content via CURL or something like that?


Case with ezkeyword cache issue should not be valid for 4.1 and above anymore.

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Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Marko Žmak

Thursday 08 October 2009 3:57:13 am

You could also try:

1) delay cache block cleanup:

2) disable PreviewCache in your admin interface

Also, do you use static cache? If so, try to put static cache generation in a cronjob with CronjobCacheClear setting in staticcache.ini

Could you give some more details about your eZ site:

How much time it takes to publish an object?
How many eZ objects do you have in database?
What version of eZ are you using?

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Stéphane Couzinier

Thursday 08 October 2009 3:49:49 pm


maybe the pb is not link with the publication process but with the page display after the publish...
if you have a lot of data in the parent node, ez can spend a lot of time to count the number of subnodes

enable the debug on redirection sql etc. you will know where is the pb.

do you have a lot of rows in the ezkeyword* table?

Ivo Lukac

Friday 09 October 2009 5:27:05 am

- DelayedCacheBlockClenaup already enabled
- PreviewCache already disabled
- no static cache
- full view of page viewed after publish is not trivial but with DebugRedirection enabled conclusion is that publish process is slow not the page full view generation it self.
- there are not that much keywords

Any more ideas? :)

Karnichi Mohamed

Friday 09 October 2009 8:35:01 am


Do you use some content edit handlers in your application ? Certified eZPublish Expert

Ivo Lukac

Friday 09 October 2009 9:45:46 am

No custom handlers.
Just objectrelationbrowse custom datatype.