Forums / Developer / Webshop / Product Category / Product Specification

Webshop / Product Category / Product Specification

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Nicolas Ottavi

Monday 15 May 2006 5:02:30 am

Hi there,

For a future webshop I have to implement a kind of matrix for each product. This matrix will contain product features/specifications. Each product is member of a product category (ie TV > LCD TV). All the products within this category will have the same kind of specifications (with different values).

The specificity is that:
- Each product in a given category have the same specifications
- The category page will display a kind of comparative table which will display products as rows, and as columns we will have product prices, and 3 or 4 specifications selected by the client. (This can be changed). You can see an example of what is expected here:

At the beginning of the project I was planning to use the matrix datatype. But this will need to be customized to fit the following needs:
- Some specifications can be added to a product category/family.
- Some could be deleted
- Some products can have an empty value for a given specifications
- The specifications can be reordered.
- The specifications that will be used on the category page can be selected by the site admin and can be changed.
- The specifications list should be managed on the category level, and in case of change should update all products of this category.

In a perfect world, the product specifications should be managed while creating/editing a product. So object relation is not the best solution.

As we will have a lot of product categories (about 50), having one class per product family is not, to my point of view, a good solution, as It could be hard to manage (even if we could group this into a class group).

If you have any idea on how to implement this the best and effortless way, your help is highly welcome !

Thanks for your time and your help,
