Forums / Developer / viewing image object inline in the text

viewing image object inline in the text

Author Message

Rami Grossman

Wednesday 19 May 2004 7:19:51 pm

I add and image object between the lines in a xml field. when I view the article in the site I see that between the lines there was added just link to the image object. I would like to see the image inline, just as I see it with the Online Editor.

I tried to do what is writen here -

and also wht is writen here -

<b>but it doesn't help...</b>

please help

Dries Samyn

Tuesday 08 June 2004 6:56:58 am

Anybody any more ideas on this? I'm strugling with exactly the same thing.
Surely there must be an easy way to get images to show inline?

Jan Borsodi

Tuesday 08 June 2004 7:20:23 am

If this is your own design you will need to create an override for the <i>content/view/embed.tpl</i> template,
the default is just to show a link.

You will find an example of this in in the <i>admin</i> design.

If you are using eZ publish 3.4 this is standard functionality, just make sure the <i>base</i> is used on your site.



Dries Samyn

Wednesday 09 June 2004 1:09:31 am

I've figured out the embed override method.
However, I am using 3.4. What is the "base"?

