Forums / Developer / Using the 'media'-section

Using the 'media'-section

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Marcus Ilgner

Monday 08 December 2003 9:42:55 am

Hi folks,

I fear that this is some kind of newbie-question but I'm currently stuck with this one:
I want to provide a number of media-files (mp3, mpg etc) on the page and so I guessed that this is what the "media"-module is for. So I created some file-objects in this section and they are displayed with a fancy icon in the admin interface.
Now there was the question on how to show them on the actual site. I intuitively did the following:
1) create a "Media-Section" with "media" not "content" as its module
2) assign this section to a folder in the root of the content module.
3) try to access this folder
But nothing is displayed in this folder (it's called 'Medien').
So I tried to access the module directly (via the url 'index.php/media') instead of through the folder (via url 'index.php/gerig/medien').
This somehow (I don't understand why) resolves into 'index.php/media/media/media' and then tells me 'object not available'.

The obligatory and ceremonial cache-clearing ;) didn't help either.

I wondered if I could fetch() some objects from the media-section by specifying 'media' as the first parameter for fetch(). But then I (as I already had anticipated) I received an error about a missing media/function_definition.php.

I'd really appreciate if someone could give me a hint on what I did wrong or where to find information on how to use the media-section properly.


Dominik Pich

Thursday 11 December 2003 1:45:05 am

Ok, so the media module is no module but a section of the content module.

I realized that but cant use the media TAB in the admin interface.

The tab points at node 43 but is always empty and shows a completely wrong path.
The media folder under content links to node 184 but belongs to the media-SECTION and therefore activates the media TAB...

The problem I have is that I dont think I'm doing it correctly.
I shouldn't have to have that folder under content.

Any help is greatly appreciated,