Forums / Developer / use google.tpl

use google.tpl

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Eric Tshiunza

Friday 22 May 2009 2:02:31 am


I google.tpl for pagination but I want the figure is in the middle and next and previous symbol (ex: previous 123 next)

Luis Micunco

Friday 22 May 2009 5:21:16 am

Just change the "next" switch code position,

{switch match=$:item_next|lt($item_count)}
      {case match=1}
        <span class="next"><a href={concat($page_uri,$:offset_text,$:item_next,$:view_parameter_text,$page_uri_suffix)|ezurl}><span class="text">{"Next"|i18n("design/standard/navigator")}&nbsp;&raquo;</span></a></span>