Forums / Developer / urlalias_iri and file system problem

urlalias_iri and file system problem

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Abdallah Mostafa

Tuesday 14 June 2011 6:20:24 am


I'm using eZ Publish to develop a multi-lingual website, English and Arabic.

TransformationGroup setting is urlalias_iri, and the URL aliases are working just fine. However the when an image or a file is uploaded eZ creates a folder structure as same as the content tree structure, with the same names, etc. So in the case of an Arabic alias, folders are created with Arabic names (UTF-8) and these names don't get recognized by the operating system. And in some other times eZ creates the folders with strange characters, not even Arabic.

When the above happens, images and files uploaded are not reachable anymore.

Is there a way/setting to prevent this behavior, for example URL alias stays unicode, but in the same time folder names are latin?


André R.

Tuesday 14 June 2011 8:23:34 am

ATM it is not possible to use urlalias_iri if you use a file system that does not support full utf8 I'm afraid, there is a issue for this in the issue tracker though as it certainly isn't a constraint that makes much sense.

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Abdallah Mostafa

Tuesday 14 June 2011 9:06:21 am

Thanks André.

And I suppose there's no hack/patch/workaround for this!