Forums / Developer / url_alias not there!

url_alias not there!

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Nicklas Lundgren

Saturday 10 January 2004 1:44:11 pm

Hi all,
I have just upgraded to 3.3.1, and run into problems.

I understand that there has been a move from content/view/Xx links to url_alias links in this upgrade, regarding all sorts of templates.

This has effect, for instance in the admin-interface, where url_alias links is used for folderlistings etc. For example in

The problem is that the $node.url_alias that is used in the templates is empty in my site! With the effect that the links in the admin-interface all go to the root.... :-(

Is this a known problem? Are there any workarounds?

Since I have made an upgrade (manually), is it possible that some override-settings may cause this?

Any ideas greatly appreciated!

Nicklas Lundgren

Marco Zinn

Saturday 10 January 2004 2:11:26 pm

I think, the 3.3 kernel should ALWAYS return some string, when $node.url_alias is called in a template. Depending on some setting (Probably "URLTranslation"), this will be a "nice URL" or some content/view/xxx stuff. Returning an empty string seems to be a bug.
There is a table for the URL Aliases... is that empty?
Did you use URLTranslations before the upgrade?
You could try to DISABLE the URLTranslation in the .inis, so the kernel should return /content/view/xxx URLs, which should get you going again.

Other hints:
- Check the Update SQLs (but i guess, you ran them)
- Check the upgrade folder. There are some .phps, that are commonly needed for upgrading... I think, there was one about the URL aliases, maybe this would fill up your DB table with the necessary data.

Wild guesses, but maybe something will help you.


Nicklas Lundgren

Sunday 11 January 2004 4:31:40 am

Hi Marco,
Thanks for the reply to my question.
I found an updateniceurls-script in the update-folder. And after running it, everything is working.

I´ve had some problems with wildcard-urls a while ago. Probably I deleted a little too much then...
