Forums / Developer / url_alias and several locations

url_alias and several locations

Author Message

Xavier Dutoit

Friday 19 November 2004 8:52:25 am


The default behavior is to have two different urls when the same object has two different locations.

Is is possible to set a parameter somewhere to always get the url from the main location instead of the different ones ? (I remember you could define that on ez2.x) ?

IMHO, the default behavior has two problems:
1) It losts the visitors by offering twice the same content with different addresses
2) It can be taken as robotspamming practice by google... certainely something I'd avoid.

Do you have a hack to deal with it ? Am I missing a parameter on a .ini file ?

Any advice welcome,


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Monday 22 November 2004 6:40:52 am

Hi Xavier,

Have you tried something like $object.main_node.url_alias?


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Monday 22 November 2004 6:41:46 am

Apologies for the double post. The first one didn't appear until I published the second.


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Xavier Dutoit

Thursday 25 November 2004 2:06:33 pm

Thanks, I'm diggin your way ;)
