Forums / Developer / URL translation in ez admin interface(a bug?)

URL translation in ez admin interface(a bug?)

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Wednesday 10 November 2004 1:23:13 am

Translations at level 1 is ok.

e.g. content/view/full/342 with virtual url: companyinfo
but this don't work:
content/view/full/342 with virtual url: company/info

Translation at level 2-> is not working. Is this a bug, or is it supposed to be this way?

Marco Zinn

Monday 15 November 2004 1:44:30 pm

Are you talking about "manual" URL translations? I guess, these are not supporessed to have / in the "virtual URLs" (so, just "1 level virtual URLs" can be created) ?

But you know, that eZ publish automatically creates "nice URLs" from the names of your objects?
So, if you have an object named "company" at level 1 (ie a folder) and another object called "info" as a child of "company", you should be able to access that page by the URL , as ezPublish understands the "nice url" /company/info .



Tuesday 16 November 2004 6:02:12 am

Nope. Not talking abour nice urls. We also have this, but have dropped this, because nice urls in a depth of more than 3 or 4 levels is meaningless.

Why did people want nice urls? Because they meant it was difficult to remember id-numbers to access pages. Nice urls is good up to 2 levels, but more than this, it's hard to remember all the page-words in a structure, then it's more easy to remember page-id-numbers.

Well, back to what I want ;) If I have a page:
This page with ID 64 is about employees in a department.

I was contacted by an editor in this department who wanted an easier way to access this employee page.

I thought we could use url translations in the admin-interface, but this is just possible with one level. This editor wanted that this employee-page should be accessed through:
In eZ publish it's only possible with: or

I know this can be fixed by adding a Rewriterule in apache.conf, but I want to know if it should be possible in the ez admin interface.