Forums / Developer / url problem (index.php?)

url problem (index.php?)

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zaxofeel .v

Thursday 15 March 2007 7:51:38 am

hi all
I've a problem here and looking for your help as usual,
I've installed ezPublish 3.8.6 on a shared hosting, well.. everything went allright and no problems until I noticed when testing the installation that the search module is not working
I noticed that my site url looks like this
when using the searchbox, it goes to this url
and the error is module not found.
I guess the problem here is the (?)
if you think it is, can someone suggest a solution?
p.s: I don't have shell access to the server, it is a shared hosting.

Sònia Sánchez

Thursday 15 March 2007 9:09:37 am


I'm novice on eZ Publish and I have the same problem!
I also think that the problem comes from the "?"
Somebody knows how we can delete the "?" of the URL?

I'm using the same version that zaxofeel .v, the 3.8.6.

Thanks a lot!

Sònia Sánchez

Thursday 15 March 2007 10:36:45 am


I was investigating and the question mark is because eZ publish found that PHP works in CGI mode, and put it there.

I solved the module not found error changing method from GET to POST in search form.
But now I can't give the search_text variable value with:

{def $search_text=ezhttp('search_text')}

Someones knows why? And how can I solve it?


Sònia Sánchez

Thursday 15 March 2007 11:10:32 am

Finaly I solved the search problem!

This is my form code:

<form action={"/resultados_buscador"|ezurl()} method="post" name="buscador" id="buscador" enctype="multipart/form-data">
   <input type="text" name="serach_text" id="search_text"/>
   <input type="submit" name="envia" id="envia" value="Go"/>

This get the post variable value:

{def $search_text=ezhttp('serach_text','post')}

This serach the results:

{def $search=fetch(content,search,hash(text,$search_text))}

And this show all founded results:

{foreach $search['SearchResult'] as $item}
   <a href={concat( "/", $item.url_alias )|ezurl()}>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$}</a>

I hope that it help to you! ^^

zaxofeel .v

Friday 16 March 2007 5:07:36 am

That's a great effort from you, thanks :)
I can see that you've used a custom search page, actually I tried it but it didn't work with me, I can't figure out where is my problem
but can you modify the code to use the default search results page?
i really need to use the default search and advanced search pages.

Michael Kress

Saturday 17 March 2007 7:54:43 am

Hi, is it also possible to remove the index.php in the url?
something like http://hostname/abcdef instead of http://hostname/index.php/sitename/abcdef

André R.

Saturday 17 March 2007 9:25:45 am

Regarding hiding index.php:

Search in this forum for index.php and virual host gets a lot of hits, some:

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Michael Kress

Saturday 17 March 2007 5:35:24 pm

Hi! I tried it - it works perfectly. Thanks for the links.

zaxofeel .v

Wednesday 21 March 2007 8:26:40 am

well, after more than a week of trying to solve the problem,
my shared hosting provider surprised me that they don't support virtual host mode !!!
and now I am stuck with this problem !!
please all, if anyone has a clue I'll be very grateful. now The project I am working on is about to fail and the customer is asking for the results !!


Wednesday 21 March 2007 3:43:13 pm

if you hosting provider doesn't allow you to access mod_rewrite then you are stuck...

find another host that is specialized in ez hosting....

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