Thursday 02 December 2010 8:14:47 am
Hi Gaetano, thanks again for your replay and once again sorry for my delay in replying. Same old story (due to a priority matter...) I have been searching for how to make use of switchlanguage/to module as you suggested but no luck indeed. If you can address me to a practical example I'd really appreciate. Meawhile, because I had to get rid of the use of "content/view/full" I made up another solution... Here is how I could redirect the parent node link to a specific child page: Inside the top menu foreach ($items as $item)...
{def $redirect_to_page=""}
<a href={if $item.node_id|eq(200)}{set $redirect_to_page=fetch('content', 'node', hash('node_id', 220))}
{$redirect_to_page.path_with_names|ezurl}{else if...}...{else}...>{$|wash()}</a> Probably it's not the best but surely better than having to use translations (..even though don't need to apply to every menu item, just a few).