Forums / Developer / URL encode?
Jeroen de Jong
Wednesday 25 July 2007 4:51:51 am
Is there anyway to urlencode an url (using %20 to replace empty espace between words)?Somthing like "str_replace" in PHP?
There are many string operators (like | chr, | ord, | crc32) that convert my string into many exotic formats....BUT NO URL encode?
please help
Ćukasz Serwatka
Wednesday 25 July 2007 7:28:11 am
Put in your template.ini.append.php:
[PHP] PHPOperatorList[rawurldecode]=rawurldecode PHPOperatorList[rawurlencode]=rawurlencode
Then you can use in templates input|rawurlencode or input|rawurldecode
Remember to clear the cache once you added those settings.
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