Forums / Developer / Upload file size limit

Upload file size limit

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Koutouan Emmanuel

Wednesday 05 November 2008 2:35:11 am

I would like to know how to increase the size of upload file.
I already configured php.ini to 20Mo.
I also configure in the class the max size to 20 Mo.
But I still can't upload a file of 17Mo.
When i submit the edit form , the return page is the edit form again....
I looked in the doc pages for the setting file upload.ini but no doc ...
Is there any another config that I missed ?


Salvatore Guarino

Wednesday 05 November 2008 4:46:25 am

Maybe you have to increase also memory limit and timeout limit on php.ini...

Koutouan Emmanuel

Thursday 06 November 2008 2:18:01 am

I already made this modification but it is always similar.
There would not be a file of configuration to change upload max of ezpublish?

Ivo Lukac

Thursday 06 November 2008 3:23:51 am

Check LimitRequestBody in Apache.

Also if you are using mod_security check it's limitations (once I had smiliar problems and mod_security was the cause)

Christian Rößler

Thursday 06 November 2008 2:02:32 pm


try to increase post_max_size and upload_max_filesize values in php.ini.
I think i had those issues in the past and can remember darkly that this was the solution.
Nearby make sure your request will not time out (server and client side) or try to upload those huge files via ftp or webdav - or anything else you prefer.

See this site for a simple and stupid explanition and background-info:


Hannover, Germany