Forums / Developer / updateniceurls error with $hasChanged = $node->updateSub...

updateniceurls error with $hasChanged = $node->updateSub...

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florian bellenger

Thursday 11 December 2008 2:05:47 pm


I made a mistake : I launched the script updateniceurls and I forgot to change "$hasChanged = $node->updateSubTreePath(false);". After that, there were a lot of broken urls, more than before. Is my mistake enough to explain that?

Afterwards, I launched an other version of the script (I have too web site wich are using the same database) wich had been modified before ("$hasChanged = $node->updateSubTreePath(false);" replaced by "$hasChanged = $node->updateSubTreePath(true);")

I thought that it was going to repair anything but things became worst. Would you have expected that? (I didn't restore my database before.)

I truncated ezurlalias_ml everytime I had to lauch the script.