Forums / Developer / Unavailable Forum Notifications Button

Unavailable Forum Notifications Button

Author Message

Mariusz Ściseł

Friday 26 June 2009 8:19:47 am

After installing a new website on eZ Publish 4.1.3 I had an "Add to notifications" button disappeared.
Maybe is this issue because of addtonotification new function in forum.tpl?
I want to use It but it doesn't work like in eZ P 4.1.1. Any idea how to fix this?

{def $notification_access=fetch( 'user', 'has_access_to', hash( 'module', 'notification', 'function', 'addtonotification' ) )}

It appear after changed <b>addtonotification</b> to <b>use</b>. Is this right solution?

{def $notification_access=fetch( 'user', 'has_access_to', hash( 'module', 'notification', 'function', 'use' ) )}


Paul Wilson

Wednesday 15 July 2009 6:58:09 am

Hi Mariusz,

I've added a new issue. Clearly the button should work.



- Paul

Max Keil

Wednesday 15 July 2009 10:14:53 am

Hi Mariusz,

{def $notification_access=fetch( 'user', 'has_access_to', hash( 'module', 'notification', 'function', 'use' ) )}

Is the right solution! The function value should be the name of the function like it defined in:

kernel/notification/module.php -> $FunctionList['use'] = array( );

This is the same name that you see when set up the policies.

In previous versions there was a possibility to use $ViewList["addtonotification"] name for the function. It seems to be fixed in newer versions.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Best regards

Max Keil

eZ Publish Gold Partner -

Łukasz Serwatka

Thursday 10 September 2009 3:43:18 am


That issue has been resolved in ezwebin:
trunk (1.5) rev. 4158
stable/1.4 (1.4-3) rev. 4159

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