Friday 26 June 2009 8:19:47 am
After installing a new website on eZ Publish 4.1.3 I had an "Add to notifications" button disappeared.
Maybe is this issue because of addtonotification new function in forum.tpl? I want to use It but it doesn't work like in eZ P 4.1.1. Any idea how to fix this?
{def $notification_access=fetch( 'user', 'has_access_to', hash( 'module', 'notification', 'function', 'addtonotification' ) )}
It appear after changed <b>addtonotification</b> to <b>use</b>. Is this right solution?
{def $notification_access=fetch( 'user', 'has_access_to', hash( 'module', 'notification', 'function', 'use' ) )}