Forums / Developer / Trouble with using object attribute

Trouble with using object attribute

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Pavel Konovalov

Thursday 02 November 2006 8:30:59 am

Hi 2 all.
I have some trouble when i want get object attribute.
I have the object with type: ezcontentobject.
This object have the attribute 'description'
How can I use this attribute in template?

Are you gangsters?!
No, we are Russians.

Vytautas Germanavičius

Thursday 02 November 2006 9:21:57 am

Simply write:


If you do not know, what attributes object has, you can write

{$my_object|attribute(show, 3)}

3 means how much level it has to be printed.

{set-block scope=root variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block}

Pavel Konovalov

Thursday 02 November 2006 9:34:44 am

I used this construction, but result looks like this: Object(ezxmltext) .

Are you gangsters?!
No, we are Russians.

Vytautas Germanavičius

Thursday 02 November 2006 10:16:45 am

a! description is of xml block type.
In this case you need to use:



Look to

{set-block scope=root variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block}

Pavel Konovalov

Thursday 02 November 2006 10:36:47 am

But I have one question one another question:)
Where I can tune option to send letters like HTML text, nor ordinary text.

Are you gangsters?!
No, we are Russians.

Pavel Konovalov

Thursday 02 November 2006 10:58:40 am

Dont warry!
I solve my problem myself.

Are you gangsters?!
No, we are Russians.