Forums / Developer / Treemenu with limitation

Treemenu with limitation

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Sonia Mahendra

Friday 28 July 2006 12:08:14 am

Hi there

I'm trying to use treemenu with limitation.

Is it possible to limit the number of nodes fetched on the 3rd level?

Can anyone help me with this?


Coulibaly Ibrahim

Monday 31 July 2006 2:02:28 am

Hi Sonia,

You can take a look at this page
see the parameter <b>max_level</b>
i hope it will help you!!! :)

Sonia Mahendra

Monday 31 July 2006 2:49:29 am

Hello Coulibaly

Thanks for the reply.

I already had a look to the documentation before posting to the forum. Unfortunately the parameter "max_level" doesn't work for me, because it only sets up the maximum depth that should be explored.

What i need to do is, in a specific level to limitate the number of nodes fetched.

For example, lets suppose that i have got a folder named "Example Folder" , which contains 7 articles. I want the treemenu to show only the first 4 articles ignoring the others.

Regards, Sonia.

Coulibaly Ibrahim

Monday 31 July 2006 5:30:15 am

Hi Sonia,

How don't you use the fetch function 'list' with parameter limit.
You can use it to fetch the content of a node with a <b>limit number</b> through <b>limit</b>

{def $four_nodes=fetch('content', 'list', hash(parent_node_id, $node.node_id,limit, 4, ......))}

that will fetch the first four node
Hope it can help you. ;)