Forums / Developer / Transparent Redirection [Urgent]

Transparent Redirection [Urgent]

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Tuesday 24 May 2005 6:05:54 am

I'm trying to do an auto redirection, without the user feels about it.
The case is that I'm doing some logic on folders, if no description text exists to show in the center of the page, then it should redirect automatically to the first item the folder contains.
I read many solutions about Module.redirectTo and redirectOperator extension but none of them is really working, any simple solution can be used directly from within the template itself like some special operator or some kind of trick? thank u.

kracker (the)

Tuesday 24 May 2005 11:46:34 pm


<b>Forum Etiquette</b>

First and foremost ... New users of these forums be warned. It is <i>rude</i> to label a forum topic as urgent and often will not help you any more than frustrate the people who could try to help you. When people get frustrated with an individual they tend to avoid interacting with them ...

It immediately implies that you are too impatient to one find answers yourself with hard work. Instead implying that you don't mind pressuring others with panicky threads and cries for help instead of pragmatic discussions tempered with patience (<i>and 10x more work on your side than the people who do reply to your messages</i>).

It can also imply that while you may in fact be in a rush to find answer you are not willing to pay for support services which would give you speedy solid answer to your <i>urgent</i> questions.

<b>Forum Topic Composition</b>

I've seen this same topic in two different threads now, trying so hard to get the attention of someone who can read your mind. In each of your threads you say "but none of them is really working ...".

Since these are the solutions the rest of us have created, use and rely on already. Why not point out just where these solutions each are not meeting your needs in avid detail.

1. What exactly are you doing? (paste, example code,to aid in explaining yourself in a more clear fashion)
2. What are you trying to accomplish
3. What is <i>not</i> occurring
4. What <i>is</i> occurring instead

<i>I can write in avid detail on the subjects which do and do not interest me ... Can You? You should ....</i>

<i>head pe : pac bell</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||


Tuesday 31 May 2005 1:47:38 am

Thanx anyway..

The fact is I read in many documents how to do auto redirection without the interaction of the user (don't need to let him submit on some buttons, like in login case,..).

It seems that the only solution is to use the <i>Module->redirectTo()</i> function, but still don't know where to call it, it doesn't work in any template, php code indeed, what I need is an operator that helps call for this function inside a template.

Maybe I should create an extension module that is specific for redirection and link it to a new redirection operator, any idea how the procedure should be...

I saw it in many php files of ezpublish, they're getting the current module with <i>$module= & $Params['Module']</i>, this is a way to pass the module to an extension i think, but how to deploy it.

My work is suspended till I find a solution for this problem, that's why urgent.. :)