Thursday 10 February 2005 5:22:44 am
Hey all, I'm currently editing my first template, and I can't seem to find how to get the url of the article in a subfolder. The name of the article is: Hello World (for example)
the friendly url would then be:
--> and this url works...
but until now the closest I got is: http://.../index.php/mysite/Hello%20World/ How can I give a list in myfolder that creates these urls? (I know how to loop all the articles etc, but it's just the 'url' attribute I can't get to work like I want to). I've been looking at $ etc, and $:item.object.data_map.url_alias.contents ... but they both don't create the friendly urls as illustrated above.
Thanks a load, Clemens Timmermans