Forums / Developer / too many child nodes causes the content menu not to expand

too many child nodes causes the content menu not to expand

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Dimitar Christoff

Monday 09 October 2006 10:17:47 am

this has probably been discussed before but with the search disabled, i thought i'd ask....

if there are too many nodes, with w/o ezodcsm (and with it), the tree-line structure loses its ability to fold/unfold, despite of the items having children, it simply does not display the icon.

has anybody got experience with this and what would your recommendation be...

Kind regards,


Claudia Kosny

Wednesday 11 October 2006 1:55:04 am

Hello Dimitar

Check the file contentstructuremenu.ini in the settings folder. Maybe the number of maxnodes has somethin to do with the problem.

Greetings from Luxembourg


Dimitar Christoff

Wednesday 11 October 2006 2:24:52 am

Thanks Claudia...

Alas, the number of MaxNodes was default, i.e. 0.

I have tweaked it a bit, setting MaxNodes to 6 and disabling a few classes via hideclasses, it now seems able to display more of the menu structure, at least within the first few levels, w/o problems... it starts breaking further down where less frequently used items are placed... i really could do with 1 more level but that starts breaking much sooner... still, its better than nothing :)
