Thursday 10 February 2011 2:13:20 am
I agree with this "The fact that you can use PHP directly doesn't mean you should use all the features", but on the other hand, my worry is the fact that you can use php directly and this leave, perhaps, more possibility to the developer to go in the wrong way. in other words, i see that like a easier way to introducing hacks in the whole thing... Yeah, perhaps too much strict and too hard to learn, but probably more secure at the end.. and ok, introducing hacks or bad practices is not a problem of phptemplate (in this case). it's a developer problem, but in my opinion, being ez so strict, makes the developer go always in the same railway. On the other hand, i doubt how flexible could be that. following your example and seeing how i see it in ezpublish, suppose those <li> needs a class for any of your other siteaccess... actually you use fallback design and ok. how should be done with phptemplate, for instance? copying all (html and php) to the new design and so having duplicate code?... ok, maybe i was a bit crude in my previous post. in fact i use phptemplate sometimes... it's just i wouldn't a thing like that in eZ Publish :). Cheers.