Forums / Developer / The essence of NodeSettings / RootNode variable

The essence of NodeSettings / RootNode variable

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Piotrek Karaƛ

Tuesday 26 February 2008 11:47:41 pm


I've just discovered that some of our node/structure-related problems might be caused by invalid RootNode settings. Now, I plan to test it thoroughly, but meanwhile I've got these questions:

1) What is the essence of RoodNode variable? What's it purpose? Shouldn't this variable always point to the top level node?

2) If a multiple-siteaccess installation has various RoodNode values per siteaccess, should bin/php/updateniceurls.php script be ever run for siteaccesses other than the one that has RootNode=2?

3) Shouldn't PathPrefix get replaced by RootNode all together? Right now PathPrefix only works for proficient enough users who know that they should not tamper with some nodes (because their name/path string will get altered). Wouldn't it be better to evaluate PathPrefix based on RootNode?

I'd be grateful for any suggestions.

PS. I know I contradict myself in the above questions, but I'm trying different angles as the day goes by... ;)

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