Forums / Developer / Templates with the same name override each other

Templates with the same name override each other

Author Message

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Monday 05 January 2004 7:10:21 am


I've noticed that if I create to different template overrides with the same name, the first is overwritten by the second. This makes sense since they all are in the same folder, but shouldn't there at least be generated a warning when one tries to create an override template that already exists?

I know that with proper naming conventions this shouldn't happen, but for newbies, this is a mistake that's easy to make.


Eirik Johansen


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Paul Borgermans

Monday 05 January 2004 12:29:37 pm

I second that, its not only newbies that make these errors.

Robustness is an enterprise level requirement, and there are other areas that need more "protection" (the content edit/update is already at that level imho)


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Monday 05 January 2004 2:03:26 pm

Hi again,

Thanks for your feedback, Paul. Another problem I've encountered when editing templates is when my partner and I edit the same template simultaneously. Why not lock a template for editing when one user is viewing it in edit mode?


Eirik Johansen


Eirik Alfstad Johansen