Forums / Developer / Tag Cloud (Keyword); is this a bug

Tag Cloud (Keyword); is this a bug

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Softriva .com

Wednesday 27 May 2009 3:05:20 pm


There is a weired thing in tag cloud which is as follows:

if there are five articles under for example a folder and each of these articles has a keyword XYZ, then the Tag Clouds have a 5 object tagged with XYZ. Now, if a edit the folder and I added the tag XYZ, I ended up with a 1 object tagged with XYZ.

If I look to the ezkeyword table in the database, I see the word XYZ (for the folder has a different ID).

This can be demonstrated, by looking at an ezwebin site and clicking the Tag Cloud. The tag Training will have 5 objects.

Now edit the Training Front Page and add the tag training to it and see the result by clicking the Tag Cloud again. You will see that the Tag Training now has only one object rather than 6 objects and its size is small.

Any ideas?

Andy Caiger

Wednesday 30 June 2010 8:02:37 pm

We are also seeing something strange with the tag cloud.

Looking at the Tag Cloud at /content/view/tagcloud/2, a keyword has a count of 2 objects, but when I click on the keyword and go to /content/keyword/my_keyword, I find it lists 20 objects. In fact, 20 is the correct number.

Where does the count in the Tag Cloud come from and how can I correct it? Is there a way to reset the keyword counts?

EAB - Integrated Internet Success
Offices in England, France & China.

Andre Bottin

Friday 24 September 2010 7:45:27 am

Has anyone found a way to make this work? It seems such a pity not to be able to use the tags but this error really makes the use of tags useless!!

EAB - Integrated Internet Success
Offices in England, France & China.

gilles guirand

Saturday 25 September 2010 6:51:23 am


The keyword count is from the eztagcloud operator : /extension/ezwebin/autoloads/eztagcloud.php

Is your PHP file similar to this one ?

Gilles Guirand
eZ Community Board Member

Mike Cavanaugh

Friday 04 March 2011 2:48:51 pm

Isn't there a problem with the way keywords are done?

If you add the same tag to a folder and an article you get two distinct keyword IDs with two different counts for folder and article classes. The eztagcloudoperator iterates through the keyword table and uses the keyword value as a key to construct the tags array. So, the last instance of the keyword will overwrite any previous instance.

Wouldn't it be better to see one overall count no matter which class?

Wojciech Rębisz

Tuesday 12 July 2011 4:05:58 am


to fix the problem, You should modify code in the eztagcloud.php. Problem is in the counting keywords.

foreach( $rs as $row )
if (array_key_exists($row['keyword'], $tags)) {
$tags[$row['keyword']] += $row['keyword_count'];
else {
$tags[$row['keyword']] = $row['keyword_count'];