Forums / Developer / tables in PDF

tables in PDF

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Vivek Chopra

Friday 29 October 2004 4:13:45 pm

How does PDF caculate table size and column size?
Looking at the pdf code, tabel elements do not use column width. I have a problem where the text is wrapped inside table cell.
This document contains more than one tables. While one table appears fine with no text wrapping, other table is all messed up.

Can someone help?



Monday 01 November 2004 1:40:28 am

Our users also got some problems with the pdf-convert. Tables, pictures and layout-problems.

I don't think the pdf-functionality has been a priority in the earlier ez versions.
I'm gonna check out this stuff, and try to make it more userfriendly.

Marco Zinn

Monday 01 November 2004 1:26:51 pm

Today, i filed 2 bug reports on PDF-export.
It seems to me, that the templates were copied from the HTML templates and edited then.
This left some things like |wash(xhtml) in the code, where it should be |wash(pdf) .

So, i guess, that "someone" should have a good look at all the PDF templates.
And, btw, one report was, that images in tables dissappeared (while the table with border=1 appeared... kind of "too small" and with empty table cells).

And, btw, where is the "entry point" to the documentation on PDF exports and PDF-on-the-fly on this page? I just found a documentation on the PDF operators, but i think, there is some "how this all works" page, which ie. explains, which is the main PDF template.


Vivek Chopra

Thursday 04 November 2004 10:02:40 am

I guess this is what you are looking for.


Marco Zinn

Thursday 04 November 2004 3:30:52 pm

Thank you, that was it, i think.
Hm, i thought, i had been in the "incoming" section, but must have overseen it.
BTW, why is there no "printable" pagelayout in the current Some pages would be better suited for printing and _that_ probably is one of them ;)

