Forums / Developer / Switch Case Problem

Switch Case Problem

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Muhammad Khalid Majeed

Friday 07 May 2004 5:05:32 am

I am using switch case as:

{switch name=Sw1 match=$node.object.data_map.article_image2.content[original].full_path|ezroot}
{case match=''}
Null Value
Hello World

This is working. But when i change my code on my requirement with the following

{switch name=Sw1 match=$node.object.data_map.article_image2.content[original].full_path|ezroot}
{case match=''}
Null Value
{set imgg="Hello World"}
{switch name=Sw1 match=$node.object.data_map.article_image2.content[original].full_path|ezroot}
{case match=''}
Null Value
{let imgg="Hello World"}

Then this is not working.

Can any body solve my problem?

Muhammad Khalid
Software Engineer

Paul Forsyth

Friday 07 May 2004 5:37:43 am

From your second case try:

{let imgg=0}

{switch name=Sw1 match=$node.object.data_map.article_image2.content[original].full_path|ezroot}
{case match=''}
Null Value
{set imgg="Hello World"}


What is the output now? Can you be explicit here - in your example you didnt specify what the output was.



Muhammad Khalid Majeed

Friday 07 May 2004 5:39:58 am

If the match='' then the value printed "Null Value"
Otherwise if i wrote
ello World

The value printed "Hello World".

If I wrote the value {case}
{let imgg="Hello World"}

Output is nothing just blank.

This is confusing me why it is not working.

Muhammad Khalid
Software Engineer