Forums / Developer / Support from the ez crew for advanced users

Support from the ez crew for advanced users

Author Message

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Monday 26 January 2004 12:06:19 am

Hi guys,

Having been fairly active in the forums for half a year now, I’ve noticed that, at least in the developer forum, the threads are mainly moderated and answered by the ez community itself. This is of course how an ideal community should work.

However, I’ve also noticed that the more advanced users of eZP are having trouble getting their questions answered, mainly because the rest of the community simply doesn’t know the answer. This is where I feel that the ez crew should be better at stepping in.

I do, of course, realize that a company providing software under the GNU license is not in any way required to support its users for free. However, I belive that if ez would make an effort to support its more advanced users, this would in turn benefit the community (and, in turn, the software) as it is the advanced users who can answer the questions from those with less experience and therebye uphold the community.

In other words, helping the more advanced users would be like helping them helping you.

Just my 2 øre.


Eirik Johansen

PS. Just for the record, I do not consider myself to be among the most advanced users. The fact that I currently have 4 unanswered posts simply goes to state that I’m an eager ez publisher.

Wouldn’t mind getting them answered, though… ;)


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Balazs Halasy

Monday 26 January 2004 12:39:56 am

Dear Eirik,

We're working as hard as we can. Sometimes the eZ crew (like in the past weeks) is very busy doing other/more important things. These other "things" tend to get in the way of answering forum posts. I totally agree with you in that we should help out advanced users and all. This is the way it should be. However, it is easier said than done. I believe the eZ crew's participiation in the forums will boost again as soon as we start the new development cycle and finish off the things that are taking up too much time. Stay tuned! :-)

Alex Jones

Monday 26 January 2004 6:37:16 am

Eirik, don't forget about the option of getting an eZ support contract. While they may seem a bit pricey at first, they will save you a good bit of time (and thus money ) on those hard to solve problems. They also help to support eZ systems.

I also agree that we should all help out as much as possible. I can't count the amount of answers I have received from other memebers as well as the eZ staff. Like you, I try to help out others as much as possible.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>