Forums / Developer / Subversion branches and ini files

Subversion branches and ini files

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Greg McAvoy-Jensen

Monday 16 June 2008 1:32:28 am

In a comment (, Gaetano Giunta offers a helpful suggestion for managing different ini files for development, testing, and production.

But could someone clarify how one goes about copying the changes to be applied the testing branch, for example? I'm running into this problem:

1. Make the change in my own settings/testing/siteaccess/myaccess/site.ini.append.php.

2. Commit the changes.

3. Try to svn copy settings/testing to settings (in the testing branch), so it will easily overwrite my development settings for site.ini. However, I get an error saying the path already exists.

What's the simplest way of handling this--preferably without having to duplicate design.ini and other ini files which can be identical in development, testing, and production?

Granite Horizon, Certified Developer of eZ Publish Web Solutions
Provider of the SaaS Solution Granite Horizon In The Cloud | | +1 916 647 6350 | California USA | @granitegreg