Forums / Developer / Subscription/notification


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Thursday 04 March 2004 4:09:53 am

Are there any doc. on how the notification works, and how to eZ implement this? Did a search, but this url was the only doc. I found:

Bård wrote this july 23. 2003(topic
"Yes, we will add documentation on how to do this. We should probably do a tutorial on how we implemented the notifications on".

Does this documentation exist? Tried the search, but didn't find anything.

Best regards


Thursday 04 March 2004 5:31:26 pm

You wanna supply code? If not, just setup the cron (search for "cron") and it works veyr nicely.

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GMT +01:00 Hannover, Germany


Friday 05 March 2004 1:57:09 am

NOTE: email-subscription on articles on a news site when they're published or contains specific words(registered by the user). The user register keywords, and his/her email-address. Then he/she get an email when a new article is published.

WISH: I want to implement a subscription-function on my news site directly(like the right-menu here: ), without first implementing a "Subscribe button".

This is the code for the "subscribe button" (which I actually don't want to use):
<form action={"/notification/edit/"|ezurl} method="post" name="SubscribeForm">
{include uri="design:gui/button.tpl" name=Subscribe id_name=SubscribeToNodeButton value=Subscribe}
<input type="hidden" name="SubscribeNodeID" value="{$node.node_id}">
<input type="hidden" name="SubscribeNodeName" value="{$}">

The action above takes the user to another template(the one below), where the user is able to fill inn a word(a word which we're going to do a check on. If an article contains this word, then we're going to send him/her an email with the url to the new published article which contains this word). The user fills in his/her e-mail address, and selects when the e-mail shall be sent (select list).

The QUESTION is: I want to implement the code below into a news-listing template, AND DROP THE BUTTON "SUBSCRIBE"(which takes me to another template), without the user have to click on a "subscribe button" to get to these fields listed below.

E.g. at the end of a news sites article listing I want these fields, and a Register-button, so the user only need ONE CLICK instead of two. BUT, the action below only gives me a blank page. I've included the hidden tag from above(SubscribeNodeID, which is 22), but I think I miss something. DOES ANYONE know if I'm missing any hidden tag..or is my ACTION wrong?

<form action={concat($module.functions.edit.uri,"/",$rule_type,"/",$rule_id)|ezurl} method="post" name="Edit">

<h3>Subscribe - News</h3>
<td colspan="2">
<font size="-1">Send a message if the page {$subscribe_node_name} or one of the childobjects are changed, and it contains the following words:</font>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="text" name="keyword" value="" size="55">
<td colspan="2">
<font size="-1">(Let this field be empty if you want to get an email on all new article.)<br /><font>
<font size="-1">Email-address:</font>
<input type="text" name="SubscribeEmail" value="{$user_email}" size="40">
<font size="-1">Weekday/time:</font>
<select name="sendTime_week">
<option value="-1" {section show=eq($userlink_list.send_weekday,-1)}selected{/section}>Imediate</option>
<option value="1" {section show=eq($userlink_list.send_weekday,1)}selected{/section}>Monday</option>
<option value="2" {section show=eq($userlink_list.send_weekday,2)}selected{/section}>Tuesday</option>
<select name="sendTime_hour">
<option value="-1" {section show=eq($userlink_list.send_time,-1)}selected{/section}>Every hour</option>
<option value="1" {section show=eq($userlink_list.send_time,1)}selected{/section}>1:00</option>
<option value="2" {section show=eq($userlink_list.send_time,2)}selected{/section}>2:00</option>
<option value="11" {section show=eq($userlink_list.send_time,11)}selected{/section}>11:00</option>
<option value="12" {section show=eq($userlink_list.send_time,12)}selected{/section}>12:00</option>
<option value="13" {section show=eq($userlink_list.send_time,13)}selected{/section}>13:00</option>
<option value="14" {section show=eq($userlink_list.send_time,14)}selected{/section}>14:00</option>
<option value="15" {section show=eq($userlink_list.send_time,15)}selected{/section}>15:00</option>
<br />
<table width="100%">
<input type="hidden" name="sendMethod" value="email">
<input type="hidden" name="CurrentRuleID" value="{$rule_id}">
<input type="hidden" name="SubscribeNodeID" value="22">
<td>{include uri="design:gui/button.tpl" name=Store id_name=StoreRuleButton value=Register}</td>
<input type="button" value={"Discard"|i18n("design/standard/notification")} onClick="javascript: history.go(-1)">
<td width="99%"></td>