Forums / Developer / Sub string

Sub string

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David Santiso

Wednesday 16 March 2011 1:23:40 pm


I want to show a part of string like the "substr" php function.

How can I do it?



Theodoros Papageorgiou

Wednesday 16 March 2011 3:19:44 pm


You can use the extract template operator.

For other options have a look at
(Scroll down to the String operators)

Web Development

David Santiso

Friday 18 March 2011 2:11:13 pm

Yes, but in my case I'm trying to extract part of a string obtained from an attribute of "text area" datatype.

If I put:

{set-block variable=$attribute}
  {attribute_view_gui attribute=$var.data_map.description}
{$attribute|extract( 0, 10) }

There is no result, but out of position the rest of the template imformation.

If I put a smaller length:

{$attribute|extract( 0, 3) }

Shows strange characters as "> !".

Theodoros Papageorgiou

Saturday 19 March 2011 1:08:41 pm

Using the attribute_view_gui function you also iclude the formated output of the attribute level template in your string. Since you need the raw output of a Text block datatype you could try something like this:


However, if you are using an XML block datatype you also need output.output_text and strip the tags from your text with the PHP strip_tags operator.

Web Development

David Santiso

Sunday 20 March 2011 6:51:58 am
